Channel: Andrew Dotson
Category: Education
Tags: oducontractedriccigeneral relativitycalculusequationsnmsuidentitiesmajorphysicsriemanndotsonmetric tensorcuvaturedegreebianchigradschooltensorphdandrewdivergencescalarfieldgradstudenteinstein
Description: Today we derive the differential and contracted Bianchi Identities. Video relating metric to gravity (newtonion limit): Deriving the Riemann Curvature Tensor: This series is based off the book "Tensor Calculus for Physics" by Dwight Neuenschwander: 0:00 Intro 1:59 Definitions and Symmetries 4:59 Riemann Tensor in Local Inertial Frame 7:10 Deriving the Differential Bianchi Identity 15:26 Deriving the Contracted Bianchi Identity 25:38 Final Comments